Diversity in living organisms

Diversity in living organisms 

1)                   Every living organism is unique and this uniqueness is the basis of the vast diversity displayed by the organisms in our world.

2)                   This huge diversity is the result of evolution, which has occurred over millions of years.

3)                   The massive biological diversity can only be studied by classification i.e. arranging organisms into groups based on their similarities and differences.

4)                   Different characteristics are used to determine the hierarchy of classification.

5)                   The primary characteristics that determine the broadest divisions in classification are independent of any other characteristics. The secondary characteristics depend on the primary ones.

6)                   Prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell organization is the primary characteristic of classification, since this feature influences every detail of cell design and capacity to undertake specialized functions.

7)                   Being a unicellular or multicellular organism forms the next basic feature of classification and causes huge differences in the body design of organisms.

8)                   The next level of classification depends on whether the organism is autotrophic or heterotrophic. Further classification depends on the various levels of organization of the bodies of these organisms.

9)                   The evolution of organisms greatly determines their classification.

10)                The organisms who evolved much earlier have simple and ancient body designs whereas the recently evolved younger organisms have complex body designs. 

11)                Older organisms are also referred to as primitive or lower organisms whereas the younger organisms are also referred to as advanced or higher organisms.

12)                The diversity of life forms found in a region is biodiversity.

13)                The region of megadiversity is found in the warm and humid tropical regions of the Earth.

14)                Aristotle classified organisms depending on their habitat.

     15)    Robert Whittaker proposed the five-kingdom scheme of classification, based                 on the cell structure, nutrition and body organization of the organisms. 

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RK Yadav

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