Improvement in food resources

Improvement in food resources 

1)                   Weed removal from crop fields is essential since they use up the requirements of crop plants like food, space, light etc.

2)                   Insect pests and plant pathogens attack different parts of the plant and thus reduce crop yields.

3)                   Pesticides are used to control weeds, insects and diseases, but they should be used only as much as needed to avoid environmental pollution and health hazards.

4)                   Several preventive methods can be adopted to carry out pest and weed control.

5)                   Biotic and abiotic factors can cause huge storage losses of food grains and can be taken care of by proper treatment.

6)                   It is better to use preventive and control methods for protecting crops such as proper cleaning and drying of the crops followed by fumigation, rather than treatment measures.

7)                   Due to the food needs of the ever increasing human population, animal husbandry, especially of cattle, goat, sheep, poultry and fish, is gaining a lot of importance.

8)                   In India, cows and buffaloes are used for draught labour and producing milk and are called draught animals and milch animals respectively.

9)                   Long lactation period is a desirable quality in milch animals.

10)                Exotic breeds showing long lactation is cross bred with local breeds showing resistance to diseases to obtain high quality breeds.

11)                For good health and milk production, proper cattle management is required such as shelter, feeding, breeding and disease control.

12)                The cattle shelter should be well-ventilated, hygienic and dry. 

13)                Cattle food should include roughage and concentrates in balanced amounts and are required for the healthy maintenance as well as milk production of the cattle.

14)                Cattle diseases are caused by external and internal parasites as well as by bacteria and viruses. These affect the health as well as milk production of the animals and can be largely controlled through vaccinations.

15)                Poultry farming targets egg production and broiler production for chicken meat.

16)                Cross-breeding is done between the Indian and foreign breeds of poultry to obtain improved varieties containing desirable traits such as tolerance to high temperature, dwarf broiler parent, low maintenance requirements and reduction in size of the layers.

17)                The shelter, feeding and other requirements of broilers and layers differ from each other.

18)                The diet of broilers is planned with the aim of achieving good growth rate and quality of carcass whereas the diet of layers is aimed to achieve large number and high quality of eggs.

19)                Broiler diet is rich in proteins and vitamins, along with the required amount of fat. 

20)                The poultry shelter should be hygienic, well-lighted and maintained at appropriate temperatures. 

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RK Yadav

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