Is Matter Around Us Pure

Is Matter Around Us Pure

Chromatography is used for separation of those solutes which dissolve in same solvent

Chromatography is a method of separating and identifying various components in a mixture, which are present in small trace quantities.
Mixture containing two solid substances out of which one is soluble in a particular solvent and other is insoluble can be separated by dissolving the soluble constituent in a suitable solvent and then separating the insoluble substance through filtration.
This process of separating the suspended particles of an insoluble substance, from a liquid, by rotating it at high speed is called centrifugation. 
The change in which the shape, size, appearance or state of a substance may alter but its chemical composition remains the same is called a physical change. In a physical change no new substance is formed.
Any change that involves the formation of a new substance and leads to a transformation of chemical identity is called chemical change.
Chemical changes are usually accompanied with heat exchanges. Chemical changes are permanent changes which are usually irreversible. 

First Part

RK Yadav

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