Is Matter Around Us Pure

Is Matter Around Us Pure

Colloids are classified according to the state (solid, liquid or gas) of the dispersed medium or dispersing medium and the dispersed phase.
Colloid in which dispersed medium is a liquid and  dispersed phase is solid ,it is called as sol
Colloid in which both dispersed phase and dispersed medium are in liquid state  is called as an emulsion
Colloid in which dispersed phase is either liquid or a solid and dispersed medium is a gas is called as aerosol.
A suspension is heterogeneous mixture in which the solute particles do not dissolve but remain suspended throughout bulk of medium .Particles of suspension are visible to naked eye. Suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures with particles that have a size greater than  :1000 nanometers
Magnetic impurities can be separated from non-magnetic impurities by magnetic separation
Volatile compounds can be separated from non-volatile compound by sublimation
Mixtures of two or more liquid components can be separated by simple or fractional distillation or by using a separating funnel.
Simple distillation is used for separating liquids having a difference in boiling points of more than or equal to 25 K.
Fractional Distillation is used for separating liquids having a difference in boiling points of less than 25 K.
Liquids that are immiscible in each other differ in their densities and so can be separated by making use of a separating funnel.

The process, by which a soluble solid can be obtained from a solution by allowing the solvent to vaporize, is called evaporation.

RK Yadav

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