

1)                   Tissue is a group of specialized cells with similar structure and performing a common function.

2)                   Tissues ensure division of labour in multi-cellular organisms.

3)                   The tissues present in plants and animals are different owing to variations in their body organization and mode of living.

4)                   Plants show two main types of tissues – meristematic tissues and permanent tissues.

5)                   Meristematic tissues may be apical, lateral or intercalary, depending on their location in the plant.

6)                   Permanent tissues are classified into simple and complex tissues. Simple tissue shows only one type of cells whereas complex tissue consists of more than one type of cells, functioning as a unit.

7)                   Three types of simple permanent tissues are parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.

8)                   Parenchyma is a supporting and storing tissue, composed of unspecialized, thin-walled cells with large intercellular spaces.

9)                   Collenchyma cells are elongated, with irregularly thickened cell walls.
It provides mechanical support and elasticity to the plant.

10)                The main supporting tissue, sclerenchyma, consists of long and narrow cells with thick, lignified cell walls. 

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RK Yadav

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